Leap of Faith


We are a group of none denominational Born Again Christians serving the Lord in West Belfast. We believe what the Bible says in John Chapter 3 verse 3, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”. We also believe in obeying the Word of God when it says in Mark chapter 16 verse 25, “go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel”. This command was given by Our Lord Jesus Christ before he ascended back into heaven.

Our desire is to reach those in our local communities with the only truth that can lead a person to eternal life with God. That truth is that Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary to pay the debt of your sins and mine.  When Jesus cried on the cross “It is finished”, he was saying that there is nothing more that needs to be done to make atonement for your sin, as the sinless Son of God took your guilt upon himself. All you need to do to enter into the good of that sacrifice is to repent of your sin, acknowledge your sin before Him, ask His forgiveness, and give your life to Him.

We are not asking you to join any church or other organization, but simply to listen to what God says in his word the bible. The Bible may have been written by the hands of men, but it was inspired by God Himself, which means it is worth paying attention to, as it tells you how you can have your sins forgiven and eternal life with God.